Our Awards & Achievements

Explore IP ServerOne’s awards and achievements, showcasing our commitment to excellence. Discover our technology partner recognition, industry certifications, and more.


IP ServerOne uses NetApp technology to provide secure, reliable, and immutable cloud solutions. These awards reflect our dedication to delivering excellence in managed cloud services and business resilience.

IP ServerOne Award Veeam


IP ServerOne uses Veeam technology to provide resilient data protection for our customers. These awards reinforce our commitment to protecting business-critical data with reliability and efficiency.

IP ServerOne - Intel Partner - Titanium


IP ServerOne uses Intel hardware and technology to deliver high-performance, reliable, and secure cloud solutions. These awards underscore our commitment to top-tier infrastructure and innovation.

Putra Aria Brand Awards

Putra Aria Brand Awards

The Putra Aria Brand Awards, "The People's Choice," is a prestigious recognition by the Association of Accredited Advertising Agents Malaysia (4As). IP ServerOne is proud to be honored among Malaysia’s top brands.

FFM - Certificate of partnership

Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM)

IP ServerOne is honored to join the FMM-NIMP 2030 Strategic Partnership Programme, supporting FMM’s MBP 2.1 project to transform 3,000 smart factories. Together, we’re shaping the future of Malaysia’s manufacturing.

Persatuan industri Komputer dan Multimedia Malaysia (PIKOM)

PIKOM, the National Tech Association of Malaysia, champions the growth of the country’s digital economy. As a supporter, IP ServerOne is committed to driving digital transformation and empowering businesses with innovative cloud solutions.

IP ServerOne - MyNOG

Malaysia Network Operators Group (MyNOG)

MyNOG is an initiative to bring together network operators in Malaysia to encourage sharing of knowledge, learning and co-operation among fellow counterparts.

Internet Alliance Association - IA MMCP MOU Collaboration Signing Ceremony

Internet Alliance Malaysia

Internet Alliance Malaysia (IA) is a non-profit association set up in 2010 for entrepreneurs in the tech industry to help each other so your journey will be less lonely.

MMTA - 2023 MMTA Networking & Get-Together Event

Malaysia Mobile Technology Association (MMTA)

MMTA drives innovation in mobile and digital technology. As a supporter, IP ServerOne strengthens Malaysia’s tech ecosystem with secure, reliable cloud solutions.

PeopleGiving Association

PeopleGiving Association believes that every individual has the power to do something great and to be part of the giving world. They provide an easy, safe, transparent, and cost-effective platform to raise funds for the cause that you care about.

Kolej Pertama Insan - Hackinsan 2024

Kolej PERMATA Insan

IP ServerOne is proud to sponsor Malaysia’s first high school-led hackathon, equipping young minds with the tools to bring their ideas to life—because their dreams shape our future. With NovaCloud, we provided a secure, scalable cloud platform to support their innovation.

UTAR - Cross-Border Industry-Academia Education-Collaboration in Digital Economy (cum MERMC 2023)

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)

IP ServerOne and UTAR have signed an MoU to bridge academia and industry, fostering skill development through knowledge exchange, student industry experiences, and training opportunities for future-ready talent.

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